Friday, January 2, 2015

The Fairy Tale Matchmaker by E. D. Baker

Cory is a tooth fairy in training.  She does not like collecting teeth though.  Plus, she never gets to see her friends because she sleeps during the day and collects teeth during the night.  So one day, she quits!  She starts doing odd jobs for people.  Some people ask her to find boyfriends for them.  Cory finds this odd, since she is having visions of couples.  Ever since Cory has quit being a tooth fairy, the tooth fairy guild has been pestering her with all sorts of things.  This book is a perfect fantasy find.

Click here to buy the book!

Click here to look at the author's website:)


Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Talent Show by Dan Gutman

The Talent Show is about a tornado that completly destroyed the town.  Now they are having a talent show to raise money for rebuilding.  Lots of people sing, play music, dance, tell jokes, and one kid raps.  Don Potash auditions to tell jokes but forgets his lines, so he ends up being on stage crew.  At the talent show, the whole town shows up! Just as the performance starts, there is a blackout and a tornado!  How will the show go on?  Read the book to find out!

Click here to buy the book!

Click here to go to the author's website:)